Global partner
in flow solutions

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Changing Technologies
Solutions for today's demands
Reliable, flexible and sustainable power is fundamental in modern life. We understand changes that power plants have to make in today's market.

Power plants continue to change technology, reduce emissions, and improve efficiency for the environmentally compatible and resource-saving generation of power.

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Facts & Figures

We have an extensive track record in international valve business. Some key figures to illustrate our results achieved over the last 40 years.

0 Projects Completed
0 Countries supported
0 Years active in the market
0 Locations
  • Engineering
  • Project Management
  • Document Control
  • Quality Assurance
  • Logistic Services
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  • Access to spare parts
  • Trouble Shooting
  • Outage Support
  • Warehouse Management
  • Product Upgrades
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How can we help you?
Request for quotation

Our valves are used for a variety of applications in the energy industry today, such as fossil-fuelled power plants, combined heat and power(CHP) or biomass and waste to energy. We can provide you with high-pressure valves in the following categories:

  • Isolation Valves
  • Control Valves
  • Steam Conditioning Valves

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